Saturday, June 1, 2024

Endangered clouded leopard at Zoo Miami tested for health issue

MIAMI – Zoo Miami’s 11-year-old feminine endangered clouded leopard, “Serai,” not too long ago underwent a collection of exams in an effort to diagnose what could also be inflicting an ongoing points with vomiting.

The zoo’s Animal Health Team carried out an ultrasound and an endoscopy the place a number of biopsies have been taken from the oral cavity, abdomen, and small gut. During the exams, they have been capable of get a more in-depth look at inflammatory tissue that’s seemingly related to the vomiting points.

Serai present process testing at Zoo Miami

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Zoo Miami/Ron Magill


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Though they’re ready for the outcomes from the biopsies and different checks, preliminary indications are that Serai’s vomiting points could also be the results of a meals allergy which is pretty frequent in cats.

The Animal Health and Animal Science groups will work collectively to see if they will pinpoint something that Serai could also be allergic to and modify her food regimen accordingly.

Other than the inflammatory tissue seen in her mouth and throat, she is in typically good situation.

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Clouded Leopards are a really secretive cat present in forests inside Southern China, Taiwan, and Malaysia. Adults normally weigh between 30 and 50 kilos. Their food regimen contains quite a lot of birds and mammals together with monkeys, deer, and porcupines.

Clouded leopards have the longest canine tooth relative to their dimension of any wild cat. They are extremely endangered over most of their vary as a consequence of searching for their enticing pelts which have ceremonial worth in quite a lot of cultures.

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