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Divided federal appeals court rules against Florida transgender student in bathroom battle | Florida News | Tampa

click to enlarge Florida trans-rights advocates in West Palm Beach on Dec. 3, 2022. - Photo by Dave Decker

Photo by Dave Decker

Florida trans-rights advocates in West Palm Beach on Dec. 3, 2022.

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After a five-year authorized battle, a sharply divided federal appeals court Friday upheld a St. Johns County School Board coverage that prevented a transgender male student from utilizing boys’ bogs at a highschool.

The eleventh U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, in a 7-4 resolution, mentioned the coverage didn’t violate the constitutional equal-protection rights of Drew Adams, who was required to make use of a gender-neutral, single-stall bathroom or ladies’ bogs whereas a student at Nease High School.

The court’s majority additionally mentioned the coverage didn’t violate Title IX, a federal regulation that forestalls discrimination primarily based on intercourse in teaching programs.

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In a 50-page majority opinion, Judge Barbara Lagoa wrote that the school-board coverage “advances the important governmental objective of protecting students’ privacy in school bathrooms.”

“The school board’s bathroom policy is clearly related to — indeed, is almost a mirror of — its objective of protecting the privacy interests of students to use the bathroom away from the opposite sex and to shield their bodies from the opposite sex in the bathroom, which, like a locker room or shower facility, is one of the spaces in a school where such bodily exposure is most likely to occur,” Lagoa, a former Florida Supreme Court justice, wrote.

But in considered one of 4 dissenting opinions, Judge Jill Pryor wrote that every time Adams wanted to make use of the bathroom, he “was forced to endure a stigmatizing and humiliating walk of shame — past the boys’ bathrooms and into a single-stall ‘gender neutral’ bathroom.” She mentioned the court majority “labels Adams as unfit for equal protection based on his transgender status.”

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“To start, the majority opinion simply declares — without any basis — that a person’s ‘biological sex’ is comprised solely of chromosomal structure and birth-assigned sex,” Pryor wrote. “So, the majority opinion concludes, a person’s gender identity has no bearing on this case about equal protection for a transgender boy. The majority opinion does so in disregard of the record evidence — evidence the majority does not contest — that gender identity is an immutable, biological component of a person’s sex.”

Lagoa was joined in the bulk opinion by Chief Judge William Pryor and Judges Kevin Newsom, Elizabeth Branch, Britt Grant, Robert Luck and Andrew Brasher — all of whom have been appointed by Republican presidents. The dissenters — Jill Pryor, Charles Wilson, Adalberto Jordan and Robin Rosenbaum — have been all appointed by Democratic presidents.

Adams and his mom filed the lawsuit in 2017, and U.S. District Judge Timothy Corrigan dominated in his favor in 2018. A panel of the Atlanta-based appeals court, in a 2-1 resolution, mentioned Adams’ equal-protection rights had been violated.

But the complete appeals court determined to take up the case, a transfer often known as listening to a case “en banc.” Adams graduated from highschool because the court combat continued.

Adams enrolled the St. Johns County district in fourth grade, with information itemizing him as a feminine, in line with court paperwork. But he entered highschool in August 2015 as a transgender male.

Lagoa wrote that the varsity district’s coverage concerned wanting on the intercourse listed on paperwork, similar to beginning certificates, submitted when college students entered the system.

“The school board’s bathroom policy requires ‘biological boys’ and ‘biological girls’ — in reference to their sex determined at birth — to use either bathrooms that correspond to their biological sex or sex-neutral bathrooms,” Lagoa wrote. “This is a sex-based classification. Adams challenges the policy’s requirement that Adams must either use the female bathrooms — which correspond with Adams’s biological sex — or the sex-neutral bathrooms. Simply put, Adams seeks access to the male bathrooms, which correspond with the gender Adams identifies with.”

Lagoa centered closely in the bulk opinion on the varsity district’s curiosity in defending the privateness of scholars in bogs and mentioned the coverage doesn’t unconstitutionally discriminate against transgender college students.

“The bathroom policy does not depend in any way on how students act or identify,” she wrote. “The bathroom policy separates bathrooms based on biological sex, which is not a stereotype.”

But in a dissent, Wilson challenged Lagoa’s conclusion, writing that underlying the coverage is the “presumption that biological sex is accurately determinable at birth and that it is a static or permanent biological determination.”

“In other words, the policy presumes it does not need to accept amended documentation because a student’s sex does not change,” Wilson wrote. “This presumption is both medically and scientifically flawed. After considering a more scientific and medical perspective on biological sex, it is clear that the bathroom policy’s refusal to accept updated medical documentation is discriminatory on the basis of sex.”

Jill Pryor’s dissent argued the bulk opinion “employs stereotypic ideas and assumptions in an attempt to persuade readers that admitting transgender students into the bathrooms corresponding with their consistent, persistent, and insistent biological gender identity will result in the elimination of sex-separated bathroom facilities.”

“Our law, both constitutional law and statutes and regulations, recognizes a legitimate, protectible privacy interest in the practice of separating bathroom facilities by sex,” she wrote. “But that interest is not absolute: it must coexist alongside fundamental principles of equality. Where exclusion implies inferiority, as it does here, principles of equality prevail.”

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