Sunday, June 9, 2024

Cruz Control: Texas Senator backs Vance at Washington County GOP’s Reagan Dinner | News, Sports, Jobs

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, R-Texas, confirmed his assist for J.D. Vance at the Washington County Republican Party Reagan Dinner on Friday at the Dyson-Baudo Recreation Center at Marietta College. (Photo by James Dobbs)

MARIETTA — Senators, representatives and Republicans gathered at the Dyson-Baudo Recreation Center at Marietta College on Friday to indicate assist for Senate candidate J.D. Vance.

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, was the primary speaker at the Washington County Republican Party Reagan Dinner in Marietta.

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Ohio senators, Supreme Court justices and representatives additionally had the prospect to share their ideas on the upcoming election. The Dyson-Baudo Recreation Center was filled with attendees. A complete of 650 tickets have been bought to the occasion.

Cruz confirmed his assist by backing Vance and spoke on the upcoming common election. Cruz spoke about inflation, regulation enforcement and the results COVID had on America.

Cruz acknowledged that there could be a “revival” of the Republican Party. He mentioned politics is sort of a pendulum, the place when one political occasion will get an excessive amount of energy the American individuals begin to pull towards the path of the opposite occasion. Cruz mentioned there could be a “red tsunami,” throughout November’s common election.

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U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, R-Texas, confirmed his assist for J.D. Vance at the Washington County Republican Party Reagan Dinner on Friday at the Dyson-Baudo Recreation Center at Marietta College. (Photo by James Dobbs)

“We’re going to retake the House of Representatives and we’re going to retake the United States Senate,” he mentioned. “And that brings me to why I’m here tonight supporting my friend and your next senator, J.D. Vance.”

Cruz acknowledged that Vance will win the Nov. 8 election and Ohio will keep a Republican state. He mentioned he helps Vance as a result of he works for the working women and men of Ohio and never the “Washington elites.”

U.S. Rep. Bill Johnson, R-Ohio, launched Vance earlier than he spoke. He mentioned Vance was raised in Middletown, Ohio. His father left residence in his early childhood and his mom struggled with drug dependancy.

“His grandmother was his saving grace, tough love and discipline kept him on the straight and narrow,” he mentioned. “She taught him the importance of being grounded in his faith and family, and the proposal that a better life lay ahead.”

Vance served the nation as a Marine within the Iraq War, earlier than returning to Ohio to graduate from Ohio State University and obtain a regulation diploma from Yale. He then turned a profitable investor and job creator, he mentioned.

Senate candidate J.D. Vance spoke earlier than introducing U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, R-Texas. (Photo by James Dobbs)

Vance took the stage and spoke about his childhood, the American dream and the causes he believes in. He defined that he might not have had cash rising up however all the time had the idea of the American dream.

“You cannot have an American dream when middle class people gotta go to the grocery store and afford a dozen eggs or a pound of bacon without breaking the bank,” he mentioned. “The American dream, whether you’re rich or poor, black or white, whatever your background requires that we have safe streets and safe communities.”

Vance proposed to cease going to battle on the police and to start out placing away violent criminals in cities and on streets. He additionally prompt using Ohio staff and Ohio corporations to assist clear up inflation, employment and power wants.

James Dobbs may be reached at [email protected].

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, R-Texas, meets with attendees at the Washington County Republican Party Reagan Dinner on Friday at the Dyson-Baudo Recreation Center at Marietta College. (Photo by James Dobbs)

U.S. Rep. Bill Johnson, R-Ohio, spoke at the Washington County Republican Party Reagan Dinner on Friday at the Dyson-Baudo Recreation Center at Marietta College. (Photo by James Dobbs)

Earl Schad, a World War II veteran, led the Pledge of Allegiance at the Washington County Republican Party Reagan Dinner on Friday at the Dyson-Baudo Recreation Center at Marietta College. (Photo by James Dobbs)

The Dyson-Baudo Recreation Center at Marietta College was filled with these attending the Washington County Republican Party Reagan Dinner on Friday. (Photo by James Dobbs)

Pat Fischer, center, Justice of the Supreme Court of Ohio, speaks and stands with fellow Justices of the Supreme Court of Ohio, Sharon L. Kennedy, left and Pat DeWine, proper, at the Washington County Republican Party Reagan Dinner on Friday at the Dyson-Baudo Recreation Center at Marietta College. (Photo by James Dobbs)

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost took the stage at the Washington County Republican Party Reagan Dinner on Friday at the Dyson-Baudo Recreation Center at Marietta College. (Photo by James Dobbs)

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