Sunday, June 9, 2024

Congress averts ‘catastrophic’ rail strike amid sick time concerns

WASHINGTON (Nexstar) – A doubtlessly devastating financial shutdown was narrowly averted after Congress handed a measure forcing rail corporations and unions to conform to a brand new labor contract.

While Congress was in a position to avert a rail strike, the labor contract lawmakers are forcing the unions to ratify leaves employees with out paid sick time off.

Congress permitted a measure to stop a rail strike that might have introduced the financial system to a crippling halt, pausing the cargo of gas, meals and items.

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“The two sides have come together so we can avoid the shutdown, which would be extremely damaging to the country,” Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stated.

The invoice forces rail corporations and unions to signal a brand new labor contract that the Biden administration helped negotiate months in the past.

“That was urgent and necessary to avert a catastrophic National Rail shut down,” Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) stated.

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Transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg added “nobody got everything they wanted in this negotiation. The companies moved. The unions moved.”

Some unions have been opposing the contract over the problem of paid sick days for rail employees.

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The U.S House handed a separate invoice so as to add the paid sick go away to the contract, however that measure failed within the Senate.

“People who are working at dangerous jobs in inclement weather have zero paid sick leave. That is outrageous,” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) stated.

However, President Biden says this contract isn’t the tip of negotiations.

“Avoid the rail strike, keep the rails running, keep things moving and we’re going to go back and we’re going to get paid leave. Not just for rail workers, but for all workers,” Biden stated.

While employees have been asking for seven paid sick days, the rail corporations say the explanation they don’t get them is as a result of the unions agreed to unpaid sick days in favor of upper wages and higher short- and long-term incapacity advantages.

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