Monday, June 17, 2024



What to Do With Your Time If You Have to Self-Isolate?

This article outlines just a few concepts to preserve your self busy for those who want to self-isolate through the Coronavirus pandemic.I like...

How a Highly Sensitive Person Can Get Over a Breakup And Move On

“A shoutout to everyone who is trying right now… Trying to do the right thing. Trying to stay open. Trying to keep going. Trying...

The Many Shades of Support: Everyone Shows Up for Us in Different Ways

“Empathy has no script. There is no right way or wrong way to do it. It’s simply listening, holding space, withholding judgment, emotionally connecting,...

Do You Think Like a Rich Man or the Average Joe?

Is it attainable that there's extra to being rich than simply “hard work”? Can the means individuals assume really have an effect on...

All It Takes Is One Person to Start a Chain Reaction of Caring and Kindness

“People will never know how far a little kindness can go. You just may start a chain reaction.” ~Rachel Joy Scott One afternoon a whereas...

Dear Mom and Dad, Thank You for the Years of Trauma

“When you finally learn that a person’s behavior has more to do with their own internal struggle than you, you learn grace.” ~Allison Aars...

What Can I Do if My Roommate Can’t or Won’t Pay Rent?

Roommate cannot (or will not) pay lease? In sure conditions, there is likely to be some safety or leniency round what you are...

How I’ve Stopped Attracting One-Sided Relationships That Leave Me Feeling Empty

“Curiosity will save your soul.” ~Danielle LaPorte When I used to be a younger lady about age 5, my mom volunteered weekly at a nursing...

Rethinking Masculinity: Why I Want More Than Bachelor Parties and Football

f “Patriarchy is the expression of the immature masculine. It is the expression of Boy psychology, and, in part, the shadow—or crazy—side of masculinity. It...

Federal Benefits for United States Military Veterans

Veterans of the United States armed forces are eligible for U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs advantages. This article lists advantages and providers that...

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