Monday, June 3, 2024

Biden heads to Syracuse to contrast his economic plans with Republican proposals

Republicans may decide up seats in California, New York, Oregon and Rhode Island — all Democratic strongholds. Losses in these states may decide management of the House and, if Republicans retake the chamber, how huge the occasion’s majority is.

The GOP is plowing additional cash into races in districts that President Biden gained — typically by huge margins — in an indication of how bullish the occasion is about scoring victories in some deep-blue areas. And Democrats are investing to save their members.

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Two incumbents who symbolize districts thought to be protected for Democrats acquired marketing campaign contributions within the final 24 hours from House colleagues: Democratic Reps. Julia Brownley, who represents a district exterior of Los Angeles, and Joseph Morelle, whose seat contains Rochester, N.Y. Biden carried each districts in 2020 by practically 20 factors. …

The National Republican Congressional Committee will begin spending in Morelle’s district beginning on Thursday, in accordance to an individual acquainted with GOP spending who spoke on the situation of anonymity to talk about occasion technique.

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