Monday, June 17, 2024

Ask Amy: I want to tell my kids the truth about Santa


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Dear Amy: I reside in a rustic that celebrates a practice that I am, at greatest, uneasy with. It entails a weird ritual by which oldsters of young children routinely lie to them about the existence of an aged home intruder who supposedly brings small chocolate statues of himself together with toys and items every year (spoiler alert: the mother and father purchase these items).

These are in any other case cheap individuals who do their greatest to educate honesty, good communication, integrity and good values to their kids. I’ve assimilated properly to the level that I, too, am complicit on this charade, together with virtually all my neighbors, pals, colleagues and all their family.

I want to educate my kids about the shamanic origins of this intriguing however overly caricatured determine, as an alternative of fat-shaming him with cookies and milk (severely).

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It’s vital for me to hold (or a minimum of regain) my kids’ belief regardless of this betrayal. How do I come clear to my kids, who’re 7 and 4 and have grown to embrace this custom?

Gaslight: You appear to be saying that as well as to every thing else that’s fallacious about the Santa story, providing cookies and milk to a fats man who doesn’t exist is a part of the downside. Sigh.

And the “shamanic origins” of the Santa story? An web search that I can now by no means erase from my mind gives up this concept: That early shamans tripping on hallucinogenic mushrooms imagined flying reindeer racing throughout the night time sky.

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You are conscious that many kids and households in Western cultures don’t have fun Christmas? And that different kids from households that commemorate Christmas depart Santa out of it? And that some who don’t have fun Christmas as a spiritual vacation do the Santa Thing anyway? My level is that nobody is zip-tying you to Santa.

But one side of parenting that you just won’t perceive is that mendacity is baked into the deal. We tell our youngsters, “I loved your recorder solo!” “Tired? I’m not tired; I just need to rest my eyes.” “Sure, I’d love to play another round of Candyland!”

The Santa story is a benign a part of childhood that kids shortly outgrow. Your older baby will decode the Santa story first and would possibly select to preserve the thriller for the youthful baby’s enjoyment. That’s what my elder siblings did, anyway — and I’m grateful.

If you want to stroll away from the Santa story, tell your kids that this can be a “Once upon a time” story that many kids get pleasure from, however that you just’ve determined to go forward and have fun the winter vacation with out it, and it’ll nonetheless include magic and enjoyable surprises for all of you.

For a still-fresh tackle the magic of the “giving season” with out Santa, learn Charles Dickens’ 1843 traditional, “A Christmas Carol” aloud to your kids.

Dear Amy: I’m a 51-year-old girl. I by no means married and don’t have kids. I’m wonderful with it, I get pleasure from my dwelling and freedom very a lot.

But I’m always being requested by pals, household, colleagues, and other people I’ve simply met why I’m not married, if I’m seeing anybody, and if I’m wanting. I’m so uninterested in being advised some type of: “It’ll happen for you someday.”

How do I get individuals to thoughts their very own enterprise? I don’t ask married individuals about the power of their relationship at any given time, so why are individuals all the time so invasive with single individuals’s love lives?

Single: One approach to take care of intrusive questions is to principally repeat and reframe the query and toss it again.

Q: “Why aren’t you married?”

You: “Well, you’re certainly interested in my romantic life, aren’t you?!”

Q: “Are you looking?”

You: “Yes. Straight into the future. And it looks great, thanks!”

You’ve determined to fly solo. And generally … married individuals are just a bit bit jealous.

Dear Amy: “Baker” was questioning if she ought to make or buy extra gluten-free baked items for a relative with meals allergy symptoms. Baker ought to positively buy the gluten-free merchandise, fairly than making an attempt this in her personal kitchen.

Given the quantity of conventional baking she does, her kitchen is probably going to be a supply of gluten cross-contamination. Store purchased, licensed gluten-free items might be safer for her visitor, and can nonetheless be appreciated!

— Gluten-Free and Grateful

Grateful: For an individual with celiac illness, any publicity to gluten contaminants (discovered as traces in most kitchens) may cause very critical signs. Thank you for the reminder and advice.

©2022 by Amy Dickinson distributed by Tribune Content Agency

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