Monday, June 17, 2024

Alamo City Studios to host free summer media arts program for East Side students

Alamo City Studios (ACS) is developing an area for highschool media and picture fans on San Antonio’s East Side to collaborate and be informed from business pros. The Eastside Youth Content Creators Program (EYCCP), a free 8-week path in partnership with the City of San Antonio, will relaunch on June 20, providing students the chance to hone their talents in performing, directing, and extra.

Last 12 months’s program proved to be a luck with students generating their very own quick movies and one even touchdown a role within the business. ACS CEO Kerry Valderrama expressed pleasure about website hosting the program once more, mentioning, “We encourage all High School students from District 2 to register right away. We look forward to developing a new set of trained content creators this Summer.”

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The EYCCP has gained enhance from District 2 Councilman Jalen McKee-Rodriguez and the San Antonio Film Commission. The path, funded by way of the City, will supply lunch and transportation to and from Sam Houston High School to ACS for registered students.

Registration for the program is these days open on ACS’s site. To shut out the development, students will have the ability to exhibit their paintings at a pink carpet tournament on August 20.

San Antonio continues to raise alternatives for up-and-coming filmmakers thru systems like this, empowering students to pursue their passions and be informed a business at an early age. Don’t fail to spot this distinctive probability to collaborate with pros within the box!

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