Sunday, June 16, 2024

A hidden self-portrait has been discovered by X-ray on the back of a Van Gogh painting

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A hidden, by no means earlier than discovered Vincent Van Gogh self-portrait has been discovered on the back of one of the famed artist’s work. An X-ray revealed the secret portrait on the back of Van Gogh’s “Head of a Peasant Woman.”

The 1885 painting was being examined forward of an upcoming exhibition at the Royal Scottish Academy in Edinburgh, Scotland. 

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The National Galleries of Scotland (NGS) discovered the back of the canvas was coated in layers of glue and cardboard. 

“NGS experts believe these materials were applied ahead of an exhibition in the early twentieth century,” the group mentioned in a press launch. “Van Gogh often re-used canvases to save money. However, instead of painting over earlier works, he would turn the canvas around and work on the reverse.”

Senior Conservator Lesley Stevenson views Head of a Peasant Woman alongside an x-ray picture of the hidden Van Gogh self-portrait.

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Neil Hanna

The portrait exhibits “a bearded sitter in a brimmed hat with a neckerchief loosely tied at the throat,” NGS says. The portrait has an intense stare, and the proper facet of his face is in shadow, whereas his left ear is clearly seen.

Van Gogh famously minimize off half of his personal ear with a razor in 1888. At the time, he was dwelling in Paris at the time with fellow artist Paul Gauguin. According to the Van Gogh Gallery, particulars are sparse, however the incident is believed to have occurred after Gauguin started to search out it troublesome to reside with Van Gogh and mentioned he would go away. Van Gogh used a razor to chop his ear the night time Gaugin determined to remain at a resort. 

he National Galleries of Scotland (NGS) discovered the back of the canvas was coated in layers of glue and cardboard. Underneath is the self-portrait – the situation is unknonwn.

Neil Hanna

NGS says the portrait was painted after Head of a Peasant Woman, possible throughout a key second in Van Gogh’s profession. At this level, he would have had moved to Paris and was uncovered to French impressionism. 

“The experience had a profound effect and was a major influence on why he adopted a more colorful and expressive style of painting – one that is so much admired today,” NGS mentioned.

This is believed to be a first of its form discovery for a U.Okay. establishment NGS mentioned. Now, guests will be capable of view the x-ray on show at Royal Scottish Academy’s “A Taste for Impressionism” exhibit from July 30 to November 13. A specifically crafted lightbox will make the x-ray seen.

There can also be ongoing analysis on how one can take away the glue and cardboard to uncover the hidden self-portrait, which requires delicate conservation work. The situation of the portrait is unknown. 

“Moments like this are incredibly rare,” Professor Frances Fowle, senior curator of French artwork at the National Galleries of Scotland, mentioned. “We have discovered an unknown work by Vincent van Gogh, one of the most important and popular artists in the world. What an incredible gift for Scotland, and one that will forever be in the care of the National Galleries.”

The situation of the underlying self-portrait will not be identified however, if it may be uncovered, it’s anticipated to assist shed new gentle on this enigmatic and beguiling artist. 

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