Monday, June 17, 2024

Texas Man Arrested: Illegal Firearm Possession and More in Coatesville Traffic Stop

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COATESVILLE, PA — A Fort Worth, Texas guy has been arrested by way of the City of Coatesville Police.

Axel Velasco, age 20, has been charged with the unlawful ownership of a firearm and comparable offenses.

The felony grievance alleges that on September 1, 2023, at 11:46 p.m., Coatesville Police initiated a visitors prevent on a white Dodge Charger with heavy window tint, which didn’t sign a lane exchange. Police made touch with the driving force and sole occupant of the automobile, known as 20-year-old Axel Velasco of Fort Worth, Texas. Velasco used to be discovered to be in ownership of a black Glock 26 pistol hid between the driving force’s seat and the middle console.

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Velasco used to be taken into custody with out incident for illegally concealing the firearm and ownership of marijuana.

Cpl. Jared T. Davis is the investigating officer.

Information, a felony grievance, or an arrest isn’t a declaration of guilt. A suspect, arrestee, or defendant is presumed blameless till confirmed responsible in a court docket of regulation.

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