Home News Texas Texas Man Arrested: Illegal Firearm Possession and More in Coatesville Traffic Stop

Texas Man Arrested: Illegal Firearm Possession and More in Coatesville Traffic Stop

Texas Man Arrested: Illegal Firearm Possession and More in Coatesville Traffic Stop


COATESVILLE, PA — A Fort Worth, Texas guy has been arrested by way of the City of Coatesville Police.

Axel Velasco, age 20, has been charged with the unlawful ownership of a firearm and comparable offenses.

The felony grievance alleges that on September 1, 2023, at 11:46 p.m., Coatesville Police initiated a visitors prevent on a white Dodge Charger with heavy window tint, which didn’t sign a lane exchange. Police made touch with the driving force and sole occupant of the automobile, known as 20-year-old Axel Velasco of Fort Worth, Texas. Velasco used to be discovered to be in ownership of a black Glock 26 pistol hid between the driving force’s seat and the middle console.

Velasco used to be taken into custody with out incident for illegally concealing the firearm and ownership of marijuana.

Cpl. Jared T. Davis is the investigating officer.

Information, a felony grievance, or an arrest isn’t a declaration of guilt. A suspect, arrestee, or defendant is presumed blameless till confirmed responsible in a court docket of regulation.

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