Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Is Ken Paxton a crook or a patsy? That’s up to the Texas Senate to decide – Houston Public Media

Is Ken Paxton a healthy elected respectable who is been focused by means of the mythical Bush circle of relatives after he defeated one in every of their very own? Or is he a egocentric, self-described untouchable respectable who makes use of his place of business to get advantages him and a choose few?

That’s how lawyers characterised Paxton all over final arguments Friday morning in the impeachment case towards the suspended Texas legal professional common.

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Friday capped off just about two weeks of witness testimony in the case alleging the three-term Republican abused his place of business and dedicated bribery, amongst other infractions, to get advantages a actual property developer and marketing campaign donor. Paxton has been suspended from place of business since May when the Texas House voted overwhelmingly to impeach the three-term statewide respectable.

The trial has incorporated testimony from a number of former Paxton deputies who reported their boss to federal cops for allegedly abusing his place of business to assist Nate Paul, a good friend and marketing campaign donor who used to be being investigated for fees break free what Paxton is accused of.

Closing arguments opened when state Rep. Andrew Murr, R-Junction, the chairman of the board of House managers that indicted Paxton, advised senators that even supposing Paxton likes to say he used to be reelected into place of business with the overwhelming give a boost to of the Texas voters, he is used his place to get advantages just one individual.

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“Mr. Paxton’s attorneys like to remind everyone that he was elected by 4.2 million voters, but they have blindly ignored the fact that he has ultimately ended up serving one person: himself,” Murr mentioned.

Murr argued Paxton ultimately used his energy to assist Paul, whom earlier witnesses described as having a dangle over him.

“When it came to Nate Paul, Ken Paxton abandoned and betrayed his trust and knowledgeable staff, his conservative principles, and his commitment to family values, the law and his oath of office,” Murr mentioned. “He repeatedly demanded that his top deputies act as Nate Paul’s personal lawyers and not the state’s lawyers.”

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Murr additionally reminded senators that Paxton requested Texas taxpayers to foot the invoice for a $3 million agreement he entered into with whistleblowers that sued Paxton and accused him of violating state whistleblower rules. Murr has in the past mentioned that the request used to be what precipitated the House committee to examine what led to the agreement and, later, the fees towards the embattled legal professional common.

Tony Buzbee, who leads Paxton’s protection crew, mentioned the trial used to be a entire sham that used to be introduced with out proof. He characterised it as an assault on an elected respectable by means of an overzealous executive that might goal any individual.

“If this can happen to him, it can happen to anyone,” he advised the jury, made from state senators. “It was about nothing. They failed to gather all the evidence, they failed to review their own evidence.”

Buzbee — flashy, flamboyant and one in every of the best-known litigators in Texas — advised jurors not anything introduced to them by means of the prosecution proved Paxton’s guilt “beyond a reasonable doubt”. The trial, he mentioned, used to be not anything greater than a political stunt.

“Let’s just call it for what it is: there is a battle for power because there is no doubt that these folks did not prove a case,” he mentioned. “They didn’t prove anything other than they don’t like Ken Paxton.”

Buzbee then performed up a idea supported by means of far-right Paxton supporters that is been broadly circulated on social media that alleges Paxton used to be focused by means of a workforce aligned with the mythical Bush political circle of relatives after he defeated George P. Bush in the Republican number one for legal professional common.

“Guess what? Ken Paxton won hands down, (a) resounding victory. He beat the latest in line for the Bushes. Let it be known. Let it be clear now, the Bush era in Texas ends today,” he mentioned.

Buzbee additionally brushed aside accusations that Paxton acted on behalf of Paul after the actual property developer made a $25,000 donation to Paxton’s marketing campaign.

“We know that a campaign donation as a basis for bribery is complete hogwash. Imagine, imagine if a campaign donation were considered to be a bribe two years before the acts complained of,” he mentioned. “Line up! We’re going to be doing a lot of impeachments in the city of Austin. That bucket has no validity. That bucket is empty.”

During the ultimate hour of the House managers’ final arguments, Murr did not use the flash and pomp Buzbee embraced. Instead Murr, a softer spoken, mustachioed respectable who resembles a lawman in a Western, summarized for senators the impeachment articles and the evidence he says his crew has towards Paxton.

The presentation incorporated audio clips of earlier testimony in a bid to remind jurors of the proof his crew introduced.

“We don’t have enough time to go through every piece of paper that was introduced at trial and every word that was uttered under oath. But we suggest that you look at these key exhibits,” Murr mentioned.

Those shows, he mentioned, would turn out Paxton took bizarre pastime in a prison dispute between Paul and Texas-based charity the Mitte Foundation, which sued Paul in 2018.

Murr then defined how Paxton allegedly burdened his personnel to craft and factor an opinion about foreclosures gross sales that prosecutors mentioned aided Paul and his companies.

“He became involved in the drafting of an opinion, for the first time ever,” Murr mentioned, emphasizing the closing 3 phrases. “He covered up his misdeeds by creating a straw requester, a Senate chairman, to hide the fact that he had no valid requester as required by the government code.”

Murr later advised jurors that, as adverse to a felony trial, there is not a want to get rid of all doubt in a Senate impeachment trial. Instead, he argued, they will have to focal point on making the items have compatibility in combination.

“The law does not require that we exclude all doubt. When we have shown you enough evidence that you can see what the puzzle is showing, that you know what the picture is, then we have met our burden,” he mentioned.

Murr closed by means of invoking the legacy of Sam Houston, one in every of the state’s founding fathers and namesake for its biggest town.

“At the beginning of trial, we watched all of you place your hand on Sam Houston’s Bible and take your oath. Sam Houston’s Bible,” he mentioned. “At that time, I reminded you that Sam Houston told Texans: ‘Do right and risk the consequences.’ Now is your time to do right.”

Jurors additionally heard for the first time from one in every of the Texas House managers who introduced the fees towards Paxton: state Rep. Jeff Leach, R-Plano, a self-described confidant and previous supporter of the legal professional common.

“Mr. Buzbee, you said in your closing that we’re here because we hate Ken Paxton, and you could not be more wrong. I have loved Ken Paxton for a long time. I’ve done life with Ken Paxton,” he mentioned. “We’ve traveled together, attended church together, attended countless Cowboys and Baylor football games together. Heck, we’re both former Baylor student body presidents. I’ve block-walked for Ken. I’ve donated to Ken, supported Ken. I’ve asked others to do the same.”

At the finish of the day, on the other hand, the lawmakers in the higher chamber will have to be guided by means of their rules, he mentioned.

“I believe that it is right, as painful as it might be for us and for you, to vote to sustain the articles of impeachment commended to you by the Texas House of Representatives,” he mentioned. “It’s an honor to serve with each of you. I pray God’s grace and favor his wisdom and discernment over you as you deliberate and vote on this historic matter.”

The trial will likely be thought to be a ancient second in Texas political historical past irrespective of the consequence. Only a handful of elected officers had been got rid of from place of business in Texas via the impeachment procedure: a state district pass judgement on in the Nineteen Seventies and previous Governor James “Pa” Ferguson in 1917.

Jurors can best vote for an editorial of impeachment — Paxton faces 16 — in the event that they to find him in charge of all its fees.

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