Monday, June 17, 2024

Child rescued from bayou after chase ends in southeast Houston

Photo of Matt deGrood

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A 10-minute police chase late Sunday ended with officers pulling a young child from Sims Bayou in southeast Houston.

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A ten-minute police chase past due Sunday ended with officials pulling a tender kid from Sims Bayou in southeast Houston.

Courtesy of Metro Video Services

Police officials rescued a kid past due Sunday after a 10-minute chase ended with a automobile crashing right into a bayou in southeast Houston, officers stated.

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Officers round 11:45 p.m. tried to forestall a Mini Cooper when it led them on a 10-minute chase throughout southeast Houston, Lt. J.P. Horelica of the Houston Police Department informed Metro Video Services newshounds. Horelica wasn’t positive why the Mini Cooper sped away.

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The chase ended when the automobile fell into Sims Bayou, close to the intersection of Grove Ridge and Glenview drives, Horelica stated. The motive force of the automobile were given out and grabbed his kid from the again seat, simply ahead of officials arrived and took the kid.

The guy then started swimming around the bayou ahead of officials arrested him, Horelica stated. The kid was once taken to the sanatorium for statement.

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