Monday, June 17, 2024

Damian Lillard sends message to fans calling for him to be traded on social media: ‘start the petition’

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Damian Lillard, identified as one in every of the maximum dependable stars in the NBA, has been the matter of industry rumors after the Portland Trail Blazers got the 3rd pick out in the upcoming NBA Draft. However, Lillard is not amused through such talks. “If the fans wana trade me… start the petition and send it in,” Lillard tweeted.

After Lillard’s tweet, NBA fans pitched their groups to him thru replies. One Twitter consumer even urged that Lillard used to be attempting to depart Portland and used to be the usage of the fans to push him out. In reaction to this, Lillard defined that he have been with the similar group for over a decade and used to be no longer taking a look to depart.

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It’s simple to perceive why Lillard is such crucial participant to the Blazers. They decided on the California local with the 6th general pick out in the NBA Draft in 2012, and he used to be named Rookie of the Year in 2013. He has since been named All-Star seven occasions and has change into one in every of the maximum recognizable names in NBA. Despite his luck, Lillard’s number one purpose remains to be to win a championship ring.

Although the Blazers have ignored out on the playoffs in the final two seasons, that they had a streak of 8 postseason appearances ranging from 2014, which used to be as soon as the longest energetic streak in the NBA. Despite the rumors, Lillard stays dedicated to the Blazers and the group’s quest for a championship ring.

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