Monday, June 17, 2024

Rams’ Sean McVay honored with statue after being inducted into Miami (Ohio)’s Cradle of Coaches

Sean McVay, the pinnacle trainer of the Los Angeles Rams, returned to Miami (Ohio) University, the place he first began as a freshman receiver in the summertime of 2004, to obtain an honor. He used to be officially inducted into the varsity’s Cradle of Coaches Association over the weekend. During the induction rite, McVay used to be introduced with a statue that stands along different well-known coaches with Miami (Ohio) ties, reminiscent of Bo Schembechler, Ara Parseghian, Weeb Ewbank, Paul Brown, and John Harbaugh who’ve received Super Bowls.

McVay expressed his gratitude: “It’s an amazing honor to be here. You’re so reminded of what makes this place so special, and it’s all about the people. To be inducted into the Cradle of Coaches, it really means a lot to me.”

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Being the 82nd member inducted into the Cradle of Coaches Association, McVay and his overdue grandfather, govt John McVay, created historical past as the primary members of the family receiving the respect. An empty chair all through the rite symbolized John McVay’s presence.

McVay shared his ideas about his grandfather: “When I think about my grandfather’s seat right there, I think about love and honor and how much he epitomized those things. You talk about love and honor, and what it means to me is the most important things that last in life. He always used to teach me that character and relationships are the only things that last, and he epitomized that… “I feel that is an effective way of being ready to mention ‘Love and Honor’…my grandfather did the sort of nice task of modeling the best way, and what it intended to be a pacesetter.”

Much like his grandfather, McVay is strolling in his footsteps. Both possess Super Bowl rings and are Cradle of Coaches inductees. John McVay received his rings with the San Francisco 49ers from 1981-94, whilst Sean received his first because the youngest head trainer to win the Super Bowl in February 2022. He had already made a reputation for himself through being named 2017 NFL Coach of the Year in his first yr in Los Angeles when he used to be handiest 31 years previous.

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As a 2008 Miami (Ohio) University graduate, Sean McVay is proud to be an element of the varsity’s soccer historical past. Miami (Ohio) possesses essentially the most wins within the Mid-American Conference historical past. “When you walk through these facilities, you see the tradition,” McVay mentioned. “You see the history, and that’s what it’s about. You want to continue to make sure that you uphold your part of the bargain.”

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