Monday, June 10, 2024

Alisa Mathewson on facing her ex in court: “I’m not afraid of him anymore”

Alisa Mathewson lately confronted a troublesome state of affairs in court docket, as she testified in opposition to her ex-husband who she claims sexually assaulted her. Despite being cross-examined by way of her attacker, Mathewson bravely stood her floor and refused to be intimidated. She recounted the traumatizing enjoy, pointing out that her ex-husband did, in reality, tie her up and sexually attack her, in addition to breaking into her house whilst she was once slumbering. Though it was once definitely a distressing enjoy, Mathewson expressed that she is now not afraid of her ex-husband. She has selected to talk out and search justice, even if confronted with her assailant in a court docket of legislation.

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