Friday, June 7, 2024

Jefferson Bank chairman speaks on new headquarters, expansion, strength of banks

SAN ANTONIO – Hundreds of hundreds of thousands of bucks are being invested in and round downtown San Antonio.

One of the massive initiatives coming to fruition is the new Jefferson Bank headquarters, which is now situated on Broadway.

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The new chairman of the financial institution just lately spoke to KSAT 12 about the cause of the new construction, the growth of the trade and strength of area people banks.

“Community banks like Jefferson Bank are really the backbone of America,” Paul McSween III, Jefferson Bank’s new chairman stated.

McSween is the new chairman after 13 years as president.

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“As chairman, you’re not going to see many changes,” McSween stated.

But one of the massive adjustments you’re going to see is the new headquarters.

“It’s been something that’s been in the work for, I’d say, five to six years in the planning stages. And we’re now in the final months of completion,” McSween stated.

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The new headquarters is greater than a $100 million construction this is consolidating so much of the group of workers to at least one location, and within, it’s not simply your reasonable financial institution.

“We have some restaurants, really great restaurants going in on the ground floor. We’ve got some third party tenants going in the building,” McSween stated.

The new construction is designed round maintaining and attracting best ability in San Antonio.

“It’s just a vibrant building full of energy. It’s got the latest technology,” he stated.

McSween stated it lately is a new technology of banking and that the headquarters goes to be instrumental for staff.

Their financial institution has been going robust for 77 years and as a group financial institution they’re thriving – in contrast to every other banks during the rustic.

“We watched very closely what happened with the banks in California. It’s a very different banking model, a different business model, different elements of risk than we bear here, in the community-banking sector,” McSween stated.

The financial institution says they’re doing so neatly, they even are increasing.

“We opened an office in Austin. We’re also in the Texas Hill Country. We also are in New Braunfels,” McSween stated.

And they are saying they’re simply getting began.

“Jefferson Bank wouldn’t make this investment on Broadway if we weren’t planning to be here for a long time. We’re doing great. We’re excited to be in the banking business right now,” McSween stated.

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