Saturday, June 29, 2024

The story of Florida’s first Latino governor

TAMPA, Fla. — We’re highlighting the affect Latinos have had on Tampa for Hispanic Heritage Month.

“This is the story of a Tampa-born Latino who was a pioneer in local and state politics. ” mentioned historian Rodney Kite-Powell with the Tampa Bay History Center. “Bob Martinez was the first Latin governor, the first Hispanic governor that we had. He took office in 1987.”

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Prior to being elected governor, Martinez was mayor of the town of Tampa from 1979 to 1986.

“He was, really, a visionary,” Kite-Powell continued. “Both as mayor of Tampa and as governor of Florida.”

“As mayor, he was very business minded, but also environmentally minded. He really led a great modernization of Tampa. And a lot of the things that are his legacy that we see today, like the convention center, not quite what became the River Walk, but things like that,” mentioned Kite-Powell.

Hispanic Heritage Month: The story of Florida's first Latino governor

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Tampa Bay History Center

Kite-Powell mentioned Martinez was additionally instrumental in ensuring Tampa was in a superb monetary place by making it business-friendly.

Martinez additionally cared about defending Florida’s setting.

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“As governor, he, again, led a lot of environmental initiatives that we are still seeing the benefit of today, including something called Florida 2000, which was a way to use state funds to purchase environmentally sensitive lands that would, otherwise, be under development. And, so, it’s been an incredible benefit to the people of Florida.” Kite-Powell defined.

Bob Martinez continues to be with us at this time, dwelling proper right here in Bay Area, the place he was born and raised.

He’s at the moment a advisor at a neighborhood legislation agency. His legacy of changing into Florida’s first Hispanic governor continues to encourage all of us within the bay space of the place arduous work and willpower can take you.

Governor Martinez is not only Hispanic historical past. He’s Tampa Bay historical past.

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