Friday, June 21, 2024

The National Labor Relations Board denied Amazon’s request to close a union hearing to the public

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The National Labor Relations Board on Thursday denied a request by Amazon to close a hearing to the public.

Amazon is about to argue earlier than a labor board choose on Monday that the historic union victory at a warehouse in Staten Island needs to be overturned. Amazon had sought to limit who may attend the occasion, which is being held on Zoom.

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“The Board’s hearings are not secret,” Cornele Overstreet, the NLRB regional director overseeing the hearing, wrote in an order filed Thursday. “Accordingly, preventing the public from viewing its important processes is not an option.”

“That this case has garnered national and international attention from outside parties only further solidifies the importance of allowing public observation, as employees and members of the public can be better informed of the purposes and policies of the Act,” in accordance to the submitting.

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Amazon, which described the media consideration the Staten Island election has acquired as “unprecedented,” stated in its Tuesday submitting that it was involved permitting the public to attend the hearing, as is typical, may taint witnesses.

(Amazon founder Jeff Bezos owns The Washington Post.)

“There is no practical way in which the Hearing Officer can effectively police who will be viewing the hearing via the publicly available Zoom invitation — including potential witnesses,” the firm’s movement stated. “Nor can she control or even know whether unauthorized attendees are photographing or recording the proceedings on personal electronic devices and making those available to others — including potential witnesses.”

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But the board director disagreed, writing: “I do not find that the Employer has put forward any compelling reason for departing from the Board’s long-standing policy of holding public hearings.”

Amazon didn’t instantly reply to a request for remark.

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