Tuesday, June 25, 2024
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US & Canada

Eight people killed in shooting at shopping mall in Allen, Texas | Crime News

A sad incident of gun violence has taken position at a shopping mall positioned north of Dallas in the United...

Storm brings tornado damage to Gulf Coast region of Texas | Weather News

About 123,000 folks had been left with out energy within the aftermath of a big storm within the southern United States on Tuesday.A strong...

Photos: Death toll expected to rise after tornadoes strike US | Weather News

At least 9 individuals are reported useless throughout the southeast United States after a band of extreme storms tore throughout the area on Thursday,...

US President Biden issues pardons for drug crimes, murder | Crime News

As United States President Joe Biden spends the ultimate days of 2022 on trip within the US Virgin Islands, the White House has issued...

US appeals court upholds Florida transgender toilet policy | LGBTQ News

LGBTQ teams say transgender folks face rising threats of violence and discrimination within the US.A United States federal appeals court has authorized a...

Death toll rises after ‘blizzard of the century’ blankets US | Weather News

The demise toll from a devastating winter blizzard that left a lot of the United States in a deep freeze has risen to no...

Biden warns Americans to take ‘dangerous’ winter storm seriously | Weather News

The president urges folks to heed warnings of native authorities as snow and frigid temperatures transfer throughout the US forward of Christmas.US President Joe...

US braces for tornadoes, blizzards as winter storm heads east | Weather News

An huge storm blowing throughout the United States has spawned tornadoes in components of Oklahoma and Texas, as a lot of the central a...

California announces end of ‘peak fire season’ after subdued year | Climate Crisis News

Los Angeles, California – After years of record-setting blazes within the US state of California, the 2022 wildfire season was notable for a...

At least one killed after tornadoes hit Texas and Oklahoma | Weather News

Twisters rip by means of elements of the US states, additionally injuring dozens and destroying houses and buildings. At least one individual has been killed...

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