Monday, June 17, 2024
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Texas teen arrested for shooting girlfriend 22 times back in jail for bond violation: ‘Why is he free?’

NEWYou can now take heed to Fox News articles! A Texas teenage suspect launched months in the past after allegedly shooting his...

Woman pleads guilty to hate crime after wrongly accusing Black teen of stealing phone

The California lady dubbed "SoHo Karen" after she wrongly accused a Black teenager of stealing her cellphone in New York City has pleaded...

Mistakes Made by Teen Parents and How to Avoid Them

Teenagers aren't small youngsters who you'll carry on yelling at to make them do the precise factor. As a mum or dad, you may...

Florida teen goes viral for classroom lesson on Stonewall riots

Teen LGBTQ rights advocates have been on the forefront of the battle in opposition to the controversial legislation, which prohibits educators from instructing...

Family of teen who died at Florida theme park says he was too heavy for ride

Relatives of an adolescent killed when he was thrown from a Florida amusement park ride final week mentioned he had been turned away...

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