Saturday, June 1, 2024
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These 2 senators were the only Republicans to vote to convict Ken Paxton

The Texas Tribune is your source for in-depth reporting on the Ken...

Texas senators explain their votes to impeach or acquit

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Paxton trial updates: Senators begin second day of deliberations on 16 impeachment articles

Paxton is accused of misusing his office to help a friend and donor who was under federal investigation. Paxton’s defense attorneys said his disputed...

Senators begin second day of deliberations on 16 impeachment articles

(*16*)The Texas Tribune is your supply for in-depth reporting on the Ken Paxton impeachment trial. Readers make that conceivable. Support authoritative Texas journalism with...

Texas Senators refuse to dismiss impeachment charges against Ken Paxton

The Texas Tribune is your source for in-depth reporting on the Ken...

Marijuana recommendation from Health Dept. hailed by senators as first step to easing restrictions

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has delivered a recommendation to the Drug Enforcement Administration on marijuana coverage, and Senate leaders are...

Pressure mounts on Texas senators ahead of Ken Paxton impeachment trial

Sign up for The Brief, The Texas Tribune’s daily newsletter that keeps...

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