Saturday, June 1, 2024
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After Suffering Heavy Losses, Ukrainians Paused to Rethink Strategy

In the primary two weeks of Ukraine’s grueling counteroffensive, up to 20 p.c of the weaponry it despatched to the battlefield was once broken...

Americans need to rethink emergency fund advice as inflation soars

Comment on this storyCommentWith inflation on the highest stage in 40 years, your emergency fund simply obtained elevated to “stat” standing. It has...

Supreme Court should rethink precedents on contraception access and LGBTQ+ rights, says Justice Thomas

As the U.S. Supreme Court introduced its resolution to strike down the decades-old rulings that after established a constitutional proper to...

Ukraine is forcing Facebook, TikTok, YouTube and Twitter to rethink their rules

The strikes illustrate how Internet platforms have been scrambling to adapt content material insurance policies constructed round notions of political neutrality to a...

The U.K. Has to Rethink Its Embrace of Saudi Wealth

But though the tempo of change in human rights in Saudi Arabia could also be glacial, worldwide diplomacy is transferring quick. Vladimir Putin’s struggle...

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