Friday, June 21, 2024
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Public Safety

Gun Violence Awareness Day spotlights public safety issue

Gun violence is an issue plaguing communities throughout New York state. “We have to do better," said Syracuse Common Councilor Rasheada Caldwell. "We have to...

New York City-Dublin portal reopens with fencing

“Portal,” a public artwork set up that connects New York City and Dublin by the use of a video livestream with no audio, reopened...

Reported rat sightings are down across the city

Residents in Harlem say they are seeing fewer rats as efforts by way of the city are having an have an effect on. In addition...

Advocates seek to eliminate “predatory” court fees

Some lawmakers are pushing to eliminate court fees and surcharges and alter the way in which New York courts can accumulate cash this is...

Meat recall affects New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania

MF Meats, primarily based in New York, has recalled 93,277 kilos of uncooked meat that is been dispensed throughout the state, in addition to...

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