Saturday, June 22, 2024
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Aamir Khan announces his next film titled Sitare Zameen Par : Bollywood News

Aamir Khanan iconic presence within the realm of Indian cinemahas etched his identify into the business's historical past. Howevertodayhe...

AI poses ‘risk of extinction’ on par with nukes, tech leaders say

Comment on this taleCommentHundreds of synthetic intelligence scientists and tech executives signed a one-sentence letter that succinctly warns AI poses an existential danger...

West Ham: Downes under par v Liverpool

3 minute learn 20/10/2022 | 06:45am To quote the theme tune of well-known sitcom FRIENDS, West...

Oklahoma golfer makes an ace on par 4, his second albatross this year

One Oklahoma man is having an unforgettable year on the golf course. Ryan Ferguson was {golfing} at Cedar Creek Golf Course at Beavers Bend State...

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