Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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A Thai court sentences an opposition lawmaker to 2 years in prison for defaming the monarchy

BANGKOK – A Thai court on Monday sentenced a lawmaker from a innovative opposition celebration to two years in prison after discovering her responsible...

South Africa’s main opposition party rallies support as it concludes election campaign

JOHANNESBURG – South Africa's main opposition party Democratic Alliance on Sunday made its ultimate attraction to South Africans to assist it unseat the ruling...

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, known for brutal crackdowns against political opposition, dies at 63

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, known for implementing brutal crackdowns on political opposition and observed as a possible successor to the very best chief,...

Indian opposition accuses Modi of hate speech after he calls Muslims ‘infiltrators’

NEW DELHI – India's major opposition birthday party is accusing Prime Minister Narendra Modi of hate speech after he known as Muslims “infiltrators" and...

Long Island lawmakers mount opposition to state’s plan on electric school buses

LEVITTOWN, N.Y. -- Local leaders on Long Island are pushing again towards a state plan that will require electric school...

Belarusians vote in tightly controlled election amid opposition calls for its boycott

TALLINN – Belarusians will solid ballots Sunday in tightly controlled parliamentary and local elections which can be set to cement the steely rule of...

As Republican opposition grows to Ukraine aid, Senate leaders say the world is watching

WASHINGTON – As a rising selection of Republicans oppose U.S. aid to Ukraine, the Senate's leaders are arguing in sturdy phrases that the cash...

Opposition to the Senate border bill jeopardizes help for Afghans who aided U.S. troops

WASHINGTON – The huge $118 billion Senate border bill now not handiest comprises once-in-a-decade border safety regulation and wartime help to Israel and Ukraine,...

Near-final results confirm populist victory in Serbia while the opposition claims fraud

BELGRADE – An early legitimate vote rely of Serbia's weekend election on Monday showed victory for the ruling populist party in a parliamentary vote...

The Albanian opposition disrupts a Parliament vote on the budget with flares and piled-up chairs

TIRANA – Albanian opposition lawmakers disrupted the Parliament’s consultation once more on Monday to protest in opposition to what they are saying is more...

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