Saturday, June 22, 2024
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Nobel Prizes

Nobel economics prize goes to professor for study of women’s labor market outcomes

STOCKHOLM -- The Nobel economics prize was once awarded Monday to Claudia Goldin, a professor at Harvard University, for analysis that has complicated the...

Nobel Prize in literature to be announced in Stockholm

The Nobel Prize in literature will be announced Thursday, with the brand new laureate, or laureates, becoming a member of an illustrious record of...

Swedish media say winners of Nobel Prize in chemistry may have been announced early

STOCKHOLM -- Three scientists gained the Nobel Prize in chemistry for his or her paintings on tiny quantum dots.Moungi Bawendi, of MIT, Louis Brus,...

3 scientists win Nobel Prize in physics for looking at electrons in atoms

(*3*)The Nobel Prize in physics has been awarded to 3 scientists who glance at electrons in atoms right through the tiniest of break up...

Nobel in medicine goes to scientists whose work led to mRNA vaccines against COVID

STOCKHOLM -- Two scientists received the Nobel Prize in medicine on Monday for discoveries that enabled the advent of mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 and...

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