Saturday, June 15, 2024
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Trump calls Jan. 6 prisoners ‘hostages’ in Houston speech

Former President Donald Trump, the 2024 GOP frontrunner, opened his speech in Houston, Texas, on Sunday by way of describing his supporters imprisoned for...

Texas highways become abortion rights battleground

Texas highways have become a brand new battleground within the fight over get admission to to abortion. Anti-abortion activists in Texas are going across...

Ramaswamy defends denying existence of white supremacy

At a the town corridor in Pella, Iowa, on Friday, 2024 GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy declared “our diversity is not our strength,” when...

Trump campaign leans in on made-for-social media videos

As Donald Trump rails in opposition to a conceivable indictment in New York, his group is leaning into a method that has quietly grow...

Twitter bans linking to Facebook, Instagram, other rivals

Twitter customers will now not have the opportunity to link to sure rival social media web sites, together with what the corporate described...

FEMA’s reservists helping Florida recover from Ian

Thousands of federal responders are on the bottom in Florida to assist communities recovering from Hurricane Ian's catastrophic injury.  The destruction ensuing from Ian, which...

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