Sunday, June 23, 2024
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Lake County News,California – Last of series of storms expected this week; snowpack at ‘epic’ levels

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. — The final in a series of 9 storms that started at Christmas is forecast to reach midweek, after which...

Lake County News,California – Space News: Watch the latest water satellite unfold itself in space

Cameras on the Surface Water and Ocean Topography spacecraft captured the antennas for its major science instrument unfurling in orbit.But earlier than it...

Lake County News,California – Birds migrate along ancient routes – here are the latest high-tech tools scientists are using to study their amazing journeys

Although it nonetheless seems like seashore climate throughout a lot of North America, billions of birds have started taking wing for certainly one...

Lake County News,California – Who is Artemis? NASA’s latest mission to the Moon is named after an ancient lunar goddess turned feminist icon

Artemis I'll ship a rocket with out a crew on a monthlong journey round the Moon. The program goals to improve ladies’s participation...

Lake County News,California – Clearlake City Council hears latest about new recreation and events division

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. — During a brief common assembly on Thursday, the Clearlake City Council obtained an replace on the actions of the...

Lake County News,California – Latest real estate report shows home sales, prices down in year-over comparison

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. — Home gross sales and prices throughout Lake County are down when in comparison with final 12 months, in line...

Lake County News,California – Lakeport ‌Police‌ ‌logs:‌ Tuesday, June 7 ‌

Tuesday, June 7, 202205:28 ALARM 2206070012Occurred at James Turner Cpa on Lakeport Bl. AUDIBLE/ FRONT DOOR AND FRONT MOTION/RESP PENDING. Disposition: CHECKS OK.06:10...

Lake County News,California – Lady of the Lake: Water Conservation 101

Dear Lady of the Lake, We are in a multi-12 months drought and I'm questioning what myself and my household can do to...

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