Monday, June 3, 2024
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Live news: Nasa’s Artemis Moon mission splashes down in Pacific Ocean

Britain’s industrial unrest has been branded the second winter of discontent (though not a patch on the mass walkouts that hit the UK...

NASA’s Artemis I Orion spacecraft returns to Earth

Speaking through the area company’s broadcast of the Artemis I mission, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson referred to as it “an extraordinary day.”“It’s historic...

Live updates: NASA’s Artemis I Orion spacecraft returns to Earth

Speaking throughout the house company’s broadcast of the Artemis I mission, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson referred to as it “an extraordinary day.”“It’s historic...

Snoopy hitches a ride on NASA’s moon rocket

An opulent Snoopy toy has a massive job for the historic launch. ...

NASA’s DART mission will test a planetary defense strategy by smacking an asteroid

If all goes nicely, a spacecraft that NASA launched final November will smash itself to bits towards an asteroid on Monday.If all goes...

Lake County News,California – Who is Artemis? NASA’s latest mission to the Moon is named after an ancient lunar goddess turned feminist icon

Artemis I'll ship a rocket with out a crew on a monthlong journey round the Moon. The program goals to improve ladies’s participation...

NASA’s Artemis I launch rescheduled after initial attempt scrubbed

After a thwarted attempt earlier this week, NASA will attempt to launch its next-generation megarocket Saturday on a check flight to the moon,...

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