Sunday, June 23, 2024
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Biden to hold a private meeting with Pope Francis on G7 summit sidelines

BARI, Italy — President Joe Biden is anticipated to meet with Pope Francis privately Friday on the sidelines of the G7 summit in...

Key Senate Democrats seek meeting with Chief Justice Roberts over ‘Supreme Court’s ethics crisis’

Two most sensible Democrats at the Senate Judiciary Committee requested to satisfy with Chief Justice John Roberts to handle "the Supreme Court’s ethics...

House committee meeting devolves into chaos amid personal insults between Marjorie Taylor Greene and Jasmine Crockett

WASHINGTON — Criticism of a member's "fake eyelashes" and any other's intelligence. A query about discussing a member's "bleach blonde, bad built butch...

Drama in Pembroke Pines as commissioner kicked out of meeting

PEMBROKE PINES, Fla. – A Pembroke Pines commissioner used to be kicked out of a fee meeting after the mayor stated he was too...

2 teens, 2 men arrested after shooting injures teen during OfferUp meeting in Homestead

MIAMI – An OfferUp meeting in Homestead became a shooting that left a 16-year-old boy injured, and 4 suspects at the back of bars...

Man, 19, appears in court after shooting injures teen during OfferUp meeting in Homestead

MIAMI – A 19-year-old guy gave the impression in bond court on Thursday in Miami-Dade County. He used to be one in every of...

Bugging devices found in Polish government meeting room

Security brokers in Poland have found out bugging devices in a room the place ministers had been because of meet on Tuesday, government...

Chinese official talks with North Korean counterpart in the nations’ highest-level meeting in years

SEOUL, South Korea — A best Chinese official arrived in North Korea and held talks on find out how to make stronger their cooperation, North...

A meeting of the UN body promoting equality for women starts with 5 male speakers

(*5*)TANZANIA – The U.N.’s preeminent body promoting equality for women and ladies opened its annual meeting Monday with 5 male speakers in a row...

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