Sunday, June 2, 2024
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US and UK holding UN screening of documentary on Russia’s siege of Ukrainian city of Mariupol

TANZANIA – The United States and Britain have invited ambassadors, reporters and representatives of a wide spectrum of society to a U.N. screening of...

Award-winning film ’20 Days in Mariupol’ has its Ukraine premiere

In the southeastern Ukrainian port town of Mariupol, Russian forces bombed and blasted their means into the realm, ensuing in untold numbers of casualties....

Award-winning Mariupol documentary screened for 1st time in Ukraine

KYIV – The award-winning movie “20 Days in Mariupol” premiered in Ukraine on Saturday, marking the primary time that the documentary used to be...

Ukraine ends fight for Mariupol, evacuates Azovstal and cedes control of city to Russia

Reuters noticed 5 buses carrying troops from Azovstal arrive within the close by city of Novoazovsk late Monday. In one, marked with a...

Russia-Ukraine war live updates: Fighting rages inside Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol

Airstrike on church complicated injures 7, Ukraine prosecutor normal's workplace saysArtem Grudinin and Leila Sackur11m in the past / 3:23 PM UTCAt least...

Dance instructor becomes escape driver for Ukrainians trapped in Mariupol

Before the invasion, Shashkov stated he had used his van to ferry his college students to bounce competitions. Shrapnel has since torn a...

Potential mass grave near Mariupol shown in satellite images

New proof of potential struggle crimes allegedly dedicated by Russian forces has emerged from Mariupol, because the final pocket of Ukrainian resistance continues...

Mariupol commander appeals for help in video as Russians look to force surrender

The commander of the final remaining Ukrainian troops holding the besieged metropolis of Mariupol has stated that his forces are outnumbered and should...

Satellite images show apparent devastation, hunger in Mariupol

Satellite images revealed Tuesday by a U.S. protection contractor appeared to show widespread destruction in residential areas of Mariupol and the grim actuality...

Russian siege of Mariupol, Ukraine: Last journalists flee

The deaths got here quick. On Feb. 27, we watched as a physician tried to save lots of somewhat lady hit by shrapnel. She died.A...

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