Sunday, June 16, 2024
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Kate Lisa

Why N.Y.’s bottle deposit system reform failed this session

Senate leaders refused to advance regulation this session to reform New York state's bottle deposit system as state Democrats have shyed away from proposals...

Push grows to expand N.Y.’s liquor shipment, container laws

State lawmakers need to expand the forms of alcoholic drinks that may be immediately shipped to New York shoppers and the way eating places...

Pols want higher NY disability cap in 2024

Lawmakers mentioned Monday they are adamant about converting state legislation subsequent consultation to extend New York's decades-old cap of its disability advantages for workers...

Sheriffs join pushback to ammo background check system

County sheriffs in upstate communities are voicing considerations in regards to the state's 2-week-old ammunition background check system, pronouncing they disagree with state political...

Counties to NYC: Rescind housing voucher expansion

County leaders out of doors New York City are pushing again in opposition to Mayor Eric Adams' determination Tuesday to extend permitting city-funded housing...

PEF members rally for law change to end workplace abuse

Hundreds of state staff say they have had sufficient of perpetual bullying and abuse from their managers, and began an early legislative push Thursday...

AI companion robots reducing senior isolation in NY

Priscilla O'Kesson desires you to fulfill a chum of hers. O’Kesson, of Catskill in Greene County, is certainly one of 257 New Yorkers to be...

Senators want $500M for child care workforce in budget

Democratic state senators posed a $500 million fund to beef up the child care paintings power in its one-house budget solution handed this week...

NY’s top elected officials sworn in for next 4-year term

ALBANY, N.Y. — Statewide elected officials had been sworn in New Year's Day as a part of a two-hour inauguration ceremony in Albany's Empire State...

The ‘process must be changed’

New York State Senate management will appoint a brand new member to the state's Independent Redistricting Commission within the coming days because the fee...

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