Saturday, June 8, 2024
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Eastern Iowans travel and help with clean up efforts in Florida – KGAN TV

Eastern Iowans travel and help with clean up efforts in Florida  KGAN TV Source link

Tax Cut Fever Surges in Arizona, Iowa, Missouri, Oklahoma

This week in state tax news: States maintain pursuing tax reduction for residents. Lawmakers in Arizona, Iowa, and Missouri took steps that may ship...

University of Oklahoma, Iowa State Receive $4 Million Federal Grant for Clean Hydrogen Research

University of Oklahoma, Iowa State obtain $4 million...

Iowa teen who killed her accused rapist sentenced and ordered to pay $150,000 to man’s family

A teenage human trafficking sufferer who was initially charged with first-degree homicide after she stabbed her accused rapist to demise...

DNC postpones vote on keeping Iowa, New Hampshire as first contests

The Democratic National Committee has determined to postpone a extremely anticipated resolution on the 2024 presidential main calendar till after the midterm elections,...

Accused gunman’s motive a mystery after 6-year-old girl and parents found dead in tent at Iowa campground

The query at the middle of an investigation into the killings of three members of the family - together with...

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