Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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Do You Live In A Waffle House?

Around the 15th century waffles began to evolve. Basically a batter was laced between two iron grids, some quite elaborate in design, and eaten...

House passes CROWN Act banning discrimination against Black hairstyles

The House on Friday handed the CROWN Act, which might ban hair-related discrimination.The measure, H.R. 2116, handed in a vote of 235-189 alongside celebration...

House Oversight investigating New Mexico ‘audit force’

The House Oversight Committee is launching an investigation right into a partisan poll assessment in Otero County, New Mexico, the place a self-proclaimed...

These single-mom friends joked about buying a house together. On a whim, they did it.

Then in April 2020, when each D.C.-area ladies discovered themselves separated from their husbands and feeling extra exhausted and lonelier than ever, they...

Georgetown house with an exaggerated history seeks a buyer

According to a 1909 story within the Evening Star, the White Horse Tavern was at Wisconsin Avenue and Q Street NW, a block...

Russian central bank, SWIFT is new target of White House, Canada and European allies

In a joint assertion launched Saturday, the international locations introduced they'd come to the settlement on the extra financial measures to “ensure that...

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