Thursday, June 6, 2024
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Alex Jones’ company files for bankruptcy amidst Sandy Hook damages trial

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Alex Jones’ Sandy Hook defamation trial starts in Texas

The jury might deal Jones a significant monetary blow that might put his constellation of conspiracy peddling companies into deeper jeopardy. ...

Texas elementary school shooting echoes the Sandy Hook massacre

The U.S. is as soon as once more reeling from a surprising act of violence in an elementary school — an establishment the...

Sandy Hook lawsuits against Alex Jones on track to resume

VICTORIA, Texas (AP) — The Sandy Hook households’ lawsuits against Infowars host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones for calling the 2012 Newtown faculty...

Infowars host Alex Jones will get back $75,000 in fines in Sandy Hook lawsuit

Infowars host Alex Jones will be refunded the $75,000 he was fined after being discovered in contempt of courtroom for failing twice to attend...

Alex Jones sits for depositions in Sandy Hook case after paying $75,000 in fines

Infowars host Alex Jones accomplished two days of depositions in a defamation lawsuit filed by households of victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary...

Sandy Hook families reject settlement offer from Infowars host Alex Jones

HARTFORD, Conn. — Infowars host Alex Jones provided to pay $120,000 per plaintiff to resolve a lawsuit by family of Sandy Hook Elementary...

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