Monday, June 10, 2024
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Buffalo shooting suspect appears in federal court as attorney general considers death penalty

The White gunman charged with killing 10 Black individuals in a racist mass shooting at a Buffalo grocery store pleaded...

Mississippi’s attorney general has no plan to prosecute Carolyn Bryant Donham over role in Emmett Till lynching, aide says

Mississippi's high authorized official has no plan to prosecute the White lady whose accusation set off the lynching of Black...

Indiana attorney general says he is investigating doctor who treated 10-year-old rape victim

Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita stated he's investigating the doctor who stated she treated a 10-year-old rape victim from Ohio. In an interview...

Retired general suspended after tweet critical of Jill Biden

The suspension follows stories that his social media account carried a remark critical of first girl Jill Biden. ...

Pre-statehood abortion ban enforceable, Arizona attorney general says

PHOENIX — Arizona’s Republican attorney general introduced Wednesday {that a} pre-statehood regulation that bans all abortions is enforceable and that he'll quickly file...

‘Florida Grim Reaper’ files to run for attorney general

While the battle rages for the state's subsequent governor, its high regulation enforcement official — the attorney general — can also be looking for...

Florida surgeon general opposes COVID-19 shots for young children

As the federal Food and Drug Administration weighs approval of COVID-19 vaccinations for children underneath age 5, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo is against...

Florida’s surgeon general is opposed to COVID-19 shots for young children | Florida News | Tampa

click to enlarge Photo through @FLSurgeonGen/Twitter State Surgeon General nominee Joseph A. Ladapo ...

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