Saturday, June 1, 2024
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Supreme Court won’t hear Maryland school district gender identity case

The U.S. Supreme Court declined on Monday to hear a bid sponsored by means of a conservative Christian criminal workforce to problem a Maryland school...

Hong Kong transgender activist gets ID card reflecting gender change after yearslong legal battle

HONG KONG — A Hong Kong transgender activist on Monday won a brand new ID card reflecting his gender change, after a yearslong legal battle...

Italy outraged by death of young woman in latest suspected case of domestic violence

ROME -- Italy has erupted in outrage over the death of a young woman, allegedly by the hands of her possessive ex-boyfriend, with the...

In Texas, a Fight Over Gender and School Theater Takes an Unexpected Turn

A college district within the conservative the town of Sherman, Texas, made nationwide headlines final week when it put a forestall to a highschool...

Women file gender discrimination complaint against Texas trucking company

Subscribe to The Y’all — a weekly dispatch about the people, places...

Icelandic women striking for gender pay equality

LONDON -- Tens of hundreds of women in Iceland, together with the high minister, are on Tuesday set to participate within the European country's...

Law restricting bathroom use for Idaho transgender students to go into effect as challenge continues

BOISE, Idaho -- An Idaho regulation restricting which bogs transgender students can use in colleges will go into effect whilst a courtroom challenge performs...

Nobel economics prize goes to professor for study of women’s labor market outcomes

STOCKHOLM -- The Nobel economics prize was once awarded Monday to Claudia Goldin, a professor at Harvard University, for analysis that has complicated the...

California governor signs law barring schoolbook bans based on race, gender teachings

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed a invoice to prohibit faculty forums from rejecting textbooks based on their teachings in regards to the contributions...

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