Monday, June 17, 2024
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diet tips

International No Diet Day: Focus on nutrition, not calories for weight loss

Fad diets have become the quick-fix and go-to methods for people aiming for weight loss. A lot of people are concentrating on eliminating foods...

New Year 2023: 5 diet tips to keep in mind to stay healthy

Along with the end of the year, the beginning of the New Year gives us a reminder of resolving to adopt healthy habits. So...

Reduce belly fat with these 5 simple diet tips and exercise

Losing weight often tops the list of New Year’s resolutions every year. Some of us even hope spot reduction becomes a reality, and they...

Navratri 2022: 9 fasting tips tips to stay healthy

Every year during Navratri, devotees fast throughout this Hindu festival in order to pray to Goddess Durga. During this festival, some people keep a...

Monkeypox diet: 6 foods to help you recover from the virus

Covid-19 is still regarded as a global pandemic. But now there’s a new health concern to be worried about – Monkeypox. Even though this...

Health meal plan for weight loss

Healthy eating is like the road to discovery – what must one eat, what must one not, what could spike your insulin levels, is...

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