Monday, July 1, 2024
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diet for weight loss

80% diet and 20% exercise: Is this the biggest weight loss myth?

Health, for the general public, is a host on the weighing scale. Their weight is what defines them as being wholesome or bad and...

Expert recommended 5 healthy diets for sustainable weight loss

Ready to shed those extra kilos and achieve a healthier you? Look no further! We’ve got the top 5 healthy diets that have been...

7 diet mistakes to avoid in New Year 2023

A new year is all about making new promises to become healthier,...

Know the benefits of drinking ABC juice in winter for weight loss

Have you heard or seen the health trend that’s been doing rounds on the internet lately – ABC juice? We can’t deny that social...

6 fitness myths that many people believe to be true but aren’t

You should have heard a gazillion myths about fitness that you believe. But not of them are true! Did that it's possible you'll...

5 lesser known superfoods for weight loss

We’re always quick to switch from one thing to another in pursuit of weight loss. Sometimes we try portion control, or sometimes we rely...

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