Saturday, June 15, 2024
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8 best morning drinks for diabetics

Whether you have diabetes or not, eating healthy is always good for...

4 benefits of okra for diabetics

Okra, mostly called lady’s fingers or bhindi, are often cooked in Indian households. Bhindi ki sabzi with roti is a popular food combination that...

Watermelon for diabetics: Good or bad?

It’s hot and sticky, and everyone seems to be talking about cooling down. What better way to do it than eating hydrating fruits this...

Resistant starch: A novel way for diabetics to enjoy eating rice

Consuming carbohydrates in the diet is always a hot topic of debate, especially when we talk about diabetics. The moment you are diagnosed with...

Grapes for diabetics: To eat or not to eat

Are grapes the forbidden fruit for people with diabetes, or can they be the sweet escape from boring dietary restrictions? Let’s grapevine our way...

Is it safe for diabetics to exercise every day?

Diabetes is a debilitating illness that impacts thousands and thousands of individuals the world over. It is a lifelong illness that disrupts the way...

What’s the best tea for diabetics? Find out here

It is rightly said, “Where there’s tea, there’s hope”. Tea is a part of our daily routine. For most of us, our mornings and...

Is jackfruit or kathal safe for diabetics?

Diabetes is a chronic and lifestyle disorder and it can lead to multiple health issues. It occurs when the body’s ability to produce or...

California To Make Its Own Insulin, Lowering Costs For Diabetics

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) introduced Thursday that the state will begin producing its personal insulin, reducing the worth of a necessary therapy...

Here’s why dark chocolate is the best dessert for diabetics

Chocolates are soul food. They melt on the tongue and feel like heaven. In fact, they have mood boosting properties and antioxidants to boast...

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