Tuesday, June 11, 2024
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Florida courthouse janitor, 72, who is diabetic, accidentally locked in cell over weekend: ‘I prayed to God’ – Fox News

Florida courthouse janitor, 72, who is diabetic, accidentally locked in cell over weekend: ‘I prayed to God’  Fox News Source link

Bexacat: New pill treats diabetic cats without daily insulin

It’s the primary drug of its sort accredited for animals; comparable medication have been accredited for individuals for a few decade. ...

5 foods to manage blood sugar levels in diabetic children

Diabetes is a very common problem among adults, but its prevalence among children has witnessed a rise in recent times. Lifestyle choices and poor...

Got diabetes? Here are 3 diabetic-friendly dessert recipes

Diabetes is a very common problem and a very troubling one too, especially for sweet lovers. Having desserts uplifts our mood, tickles our taste...

5 idli recipes that a diabetic can also eat

How often have we heard that Anil Kapoor is the only actor in Bollywood who doesn’t age at all? Well, the key to his...

Are black rice safe for diabetes? Let’s find out

It’s not always tough to maintain a stable blood sugar level or lower your risk of developing diabetes with nutrition. Sometimes a simple swap...

5 best cooking oils for diabetic patients

When it comes to a healthy diet, choosing the right oil is important, particularly for those who have medical concerns such as diabetes. Let...

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