Saturday, June 29, 2024
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New York City names its first-ever ‘rat czar’

"Rats are tough but New Yorkers are tougher."New York City now has a "rat czar."Kathleen Corradi has been named town's director of rodent mitigation."You’ll...

Texas Governor Abbott Hires Texas' First Border Czar – Brownwood News

Texas Governor Abbott Hires Texas' First Border Czar  Brownwood News story by Source link

Greg Abbott announces Texas’ first Border Czar amid surge of illegal migrant crossings

Texas GOP Gov. Greg Abbott on Monday introduced the state's first-ever Border Czar to deal with the inflow of migrants coming by the Southern...

Gov. Greg Abbott hires “border czar” to accelerate wall construction

Sign up for The Brief, The Texas Tribune’s each day e-newsletter that...

Governor Abbott Announces New Texas Border Czar | Office of the Texas Governor

January 30, 2023 | Austin, Texas ...

Florida migrant-moving company gave GOP cash, has ties to DeSantis’ immigration ‘czar’ and Rep. Matt Gaetz

The air constitution company Gov. Ron DeSantis’ administration employed for his migrant-moving program has contributed large cash to some high allies of the governor...

Biden climate czar Gina McCarthy expected to step down in May

WASHINGTON — White House nationwide climate adviser Gina McCarthy is expected to step down subsequent month, an individual acquainted with her resolution confirmed.McCarthy had...

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