Sunday, June 2, 2024
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Rat ambassadors try to counter bad press amid NYC’s rat war

SAN DIEGO -- As an envoy for rats, it is by no means simple to win over the general public. There's that hairless tail...

FDA panel recommends making Narcan available over the counter

It's the newest authorities effort to extend use of a medicine that has been a key device in the battle in opposition to the...

‘Babe’ star James Cromwell superglues hand to Starbucks counter over vegan milk upcharge

Placeholder whereas article actions loadFair warning: This one will get a bit sticky.Incensed by the “senseless upcharge” at Starbucks for nondairy milk, “Succession”...

The many ways people counter Russian propaganda

Since the times of the Cold War, when U.S.-government-funded stations comparable to Radio Free Europe broadcast anti-communist messaging throughout the airwaves of Soviet...

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