Sunday, June 23, 2024
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U.N. Security Council passes Gaza cease-fire proposal drafted by the U.S.

The United Nations Security Council handed a U.S.-drafted cease-fire deal aimed toward halting 8 months of bloody combating between Israel and Hamas in...

NYC Council bill expanding oversight of mayoral hires gets last-minute tweaks

A City Council bill that might increase the chamber’s talent to dam most sensible mayoral hires quietly underwent some important adjustments past due final...

Demanding cut reversals, NYC Council projects $1.1B more in taxes over Mayor Adams’ latest estimate

With the annual municipal budget deadline rapid drawing near, the City Council’s Democratic leaders launched a brand new research Tuesday estimating town’s on target...

David Banks gets compliments from City Council on his performance in DC

New York City colleges Chancellor David Banks were given some love from City Council individuals Wednesday for the way he treated closing week’s congressional...

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