Monday, June 10, 2024
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Charles Michel

Hungary opposes billions in new EU aid for Ukraine. A new summit will try to change that

BRUSSELS – European Union leaders at a summit on Thursday will focal point at the one member state blockading a 50-billion-euro ($54 billion) conflict...

A top EU official convenes a summit to deal with a fallout in Europe from the Israel-Hamas war

BRUSSELS – European Union leaders will grasp an emergency summit on Tuesday as considerations develop that the war between Israel and Hamas may gasoline...

European Union leaders to hold a summit with Western Balkans nations to discuss joining the bloc

TIRANA – Leaders from the European Union and the Western Balkans will hold a summit in Albania's capital on Monday to discuss the trail...

EU President Michel warns about spillover of Israel-Hamas war into Europe

BRUSSELS – European Union chief Charles Michel on Friday warned that the Israel-Hamas war may just create a surge in refugees heading for Europe,...

European summit opens in Moldova with Ukraine war, regional conflicts on agenda

BULBOACA – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy attended a summit of fifty European leaders in Moldova on Thursday, which...

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