Monday, June 17, 2024
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Gun reform bill headed to President Biden

Gun reform bill headed to President Biden - CBS Miami ...

U.S. Rep. Tony Gonzales breaks with House Republicans to vote for gun bill

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Senate passes most sweeping gun bill in decades, setting up House vote

WASHINGTON — The Senate on Thursday evening handed the most sweeping gun bill designed to forestall gun violence in a long time, a...

U.S. Senate approves bipartisan gun bill backed by Sen. John Cornyn

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Texas Republicans balk at red flag law provision of bipartisan gun bill

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Sen. Maria Cantwell casts doubt on prospect of major data privacy bill

Placeholder whereas article actions loadA high Democratic senator poured chilly water Wednesday on the prospect of a landmark bipartisan privacy bill advancing this...

Jury finds Bill Cosby sexually assaulted 16-year-old girl at Playboy Mansion in 1975, awards her $500,000

A jury on Tuesday dominated towards Bill Cosby in a civil lawsuit introduced towards him by a girl who mentioned he sexually assaulted...

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