Sunday, June 30, 2024
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Ayurveda diet to boost your brain and memory

Most memory issues, according to Ayurveda, are associated with the Kapha Dosha, which is known for its dense, thick, mushy, and sticky characteristics. On...

Know what ayurveda says about milk consumption

Milk has always been known to be the healthiest beverage out there which is filled with calcium to boost our immunity and bone health....

A heavy breakfast may be a mistake, says an Ayurveda expert

“Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper!” Haven’t all of us heard this over and over again...

Use Ayurvedic herb giloy for high uric acid

These days, high uric acid levels are a growing health concern. It is essentially a waste product that develops from the digestion of purine-containing...

How to feel light after eating well according to Ayurveda

Following a light diet is everyone’s to-do thing in life, especially when binge-eating, gluttony, and stress-eating have become youth’s guilty pleasures. Overexposure to non-healthy...

Special diet for thyroid recommended by an Ayurveda expert

Today, we live in this fast-paced world where there are certain adverse consequences which we cannot avoid. Thyroid is one of them. Nearly 60...

Do’s and don’ts for an effective healthy eating routine

There is a lot of talk around healthy eating these days and most people are lowering down their intake of oils, fats, junk and...

Benefits of jamun seed powder for diabetics

Jamun is a summer favourite for many people, but its benefits for diabetics especially cannot be undermined. This black plum with a tangy taste comes...

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