Sunday, June 16, 2024
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Michael Waldron set to write Marvel Studios` `Avengers: Secret Wars`

After the success of `Loki` and `Doctor Strange 2`, author Michael Waldron appears to be in demand for high-profile Marvel initiatives as he's...

`Top Gun: Maverick` surpasses `Avengers: Infinity War` as 6th highest grosser

Hollywood star Tom Cruise`s not too long ago launched motion movie `Top Gun: Maverick` has surpassed the general assortment of Marvel`s Avengers: Infinity...

Marvel unveils ‘Black Panther 2,’ new ‘Avengers’ at Comic-Con

Marvel Studios has a historical past of saying huge tasks at San Diego Comic-Con throughout their panel occasions in Hall H —...

Marvel keeps Stan Lee alive!

Stan Lee, the beloved co-creator of Spider-Man, Avengers and Hulk who died in 2018, is returning to Marvel Studios. As per a report in...

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