Sunday, June 30, 2024
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APP Coronavirus

Emergency management firm to lead NY’s $4.3M pandemic review

*Editor's notice: The state has chosen the Olson Group Ltd. in Alexandria, Virginia, to conduct the one-year review. An earlier model of this story recognized a...

Will New Yorkers get the new COVID boosters?

Only 175,000 New York City residents have obtained a dose of the newest COVID-19 booster vaccine since their launch earlier this month, based on...

Texas reports 54,407 new COVID cases

TEXAS — Texas continues to report north of fifty,000 new COVID cases per day and greater than 12,000 Texans at the moment are hospitalized with...

Texas reports another 22,694 COVID cases, 323 fatalities

TEXAS — New circumstances of COVID-19 and hospitalizations are starting to come back down in Texas however the state isn’t the place it was previous...

City must reinstate PBA members who refused vaccine

The metropolis must reinstate Police Benevolent Association members who had been fired or placed on depart for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine, a state supreme...

OC’s COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations increase

SANTA ANA, Calif. (CNS) — Orange County's COVID-19 hospitalizations and an infection charges continued mounting, and the county logged 19 extra fatalities, in line...

Orange County sees slight increases in COVID-19 vaccines

SANTA ANA, Calif. (CNS) — Orange County noticed modest increases in vaccinations and booster pictures since final week, in accordance with information launched Wednesday...

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